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 年 ~ 


Synthetic test of Li$$_{2}$$O-BeO system ceramics for advanced tritium breeder

鈴木 達也; 星野 毅; 名取 ゆり*; 鈴木 潤*

Suzuki, Tatsuya; Hoshino, Tsuyoshi; Natori, Yuri*; Suzuki, Jun*


Mixtures of tritium breeder (lithium) and neutron multiplier (beryllium) are being considered for use in increasing the tritium breeding ratio in breeding blankets. However, lithium and beryllium react under normal operating conditions, and therefore, a high-functional tritium breeder such as lithium beryllium oxide (Li$$_{2}$$Be$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$) needs to be developed to compensate for this reaction under high-temperatures. In this study, we investigated methods of synthesizing Li$$_{2}$$Be$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ by means of solid-state reaction. We measured the weight changes of the starting powders by TG-DTA, and analyzed the chemical composition and crystal structure of the samples by ICP-AES and XRD, respectively.



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