※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

減原子力シナリオの特性評価,1; 特性評価

Characteristic assessment of nuclear energy capacity reduction, 1; Characteristic assessment

塩谷 洋樹; 向井田 恭子  ; 小野 清 ; 難波 隆司

Shiotani, Hiroki; Mukaida, Kyoko; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi


Regarding the nuclear energy fleet under the nuclear energy capacity reduction in Japan, this study provides the evaluation methodology, which have been developed in JAEA, consists of nuclear energy system simulation model (SCM model), energy sector model, and macro economic mode. Furthermore, the trial evaluation results outline of the macroeconomic effects in addition to resources, wastes, and economics of nuclear energy deployment utilization based on the derived energy/electricity supply structure by the methodology.



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