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Report No.

Investigation of a LiCl-KCl-UCl$$_{3}$$ system using a combination of X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analyses

Nakayoshi, Akira  ; Kitawaki, Shinichi ; Fukushima, Mineo; Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Kurata, Masaki 

Electrorefining is one of the main steps of pyroreprocessing where spent nuclear fuels are recycled. Electrorefining is conducted in a molten salt of LiCl-KCl eutectic (59:41 mol%) containing actinide chlorides (AnCl$$_{3}$$) at 773 K. In order to operate and maintain the electrorefiner, it is necessary to accumulate fundamental data on LiCl-KCl-AnCl$$_{3}$$ salt such as the melting point. In this study, based on X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis, a partial phase diagram of (LiCl-KCl)eut.-UCl$$_{3}$$ pseudo-binary system and partial phase diagram of LiCl-KCl-UCl$$_{3}$$ system were developed, which UCl$$_{3}$$ concentration was up to 20 mol%.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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