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Report No.

Mutational effects of $$gamma$$-rays and carbon ion beams in ${it Arabidopsis}$ seedlings

Yoshihara, Ryohei*; Nozawa, Shigeki; Hase, Yoshihiro; Narumi, Issei; Hidema, Jun*; Sakamoto, Ayako

To assess the mutational effects of radiations in vigorously proliferating plant tissue, mutation spectrum was analyzed with ${it Arabidopsis}$ seedlings via plasmid rescue method. Transgenic plants containing ${it Escherichia coli rpsL}$ gene were irradiated with $$gamma$$-rays and carbon ion beams (320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$), and mutations in the ${it rpsL}$ gene were analyzed. Mutant frequency was significantly increased by $$gamma$$-rays, but not by 320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$. Mutation spectrum showed that both radiations increased the frequency of frameshifts and other mutations including deletion/insertion but that only $$gamma$$-rays increased the frequency of total base substitutions. These results suggest that the type of DNA lesions which cause base substitutions were less induced by 320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$ than by $$gamma$$-rays in ${it Arabidopsis}$ seedlings. $$gamma$$-rays never increased the frequencies of G:C to T:A and A:T to C:G transversions, which are caused by oxidized guanine, though 320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$ slightly increase the both transversions. Instead, $$gamma$$-rays significantly increased the frequency of G:C to A:T transition. These results suggest that 8-oxoguanine has little effect on mutagenesis in ${it Arabidopsis}$ cells.



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