※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Estimation of thermodynamic properties of gases affecting aerosol transport behaviors in boiling accident of reprocessed liquid wastes at fuel reprocessing facilities

吉田 一雄 ; 石川 淳 

Yoshida, Kazuo; Ishikawa, Jun


Boiling accidents of liquid wastes are postulated to be occurred caused by the loss of cooling function for waste storage tanks at fuel reprocessing facilities. Some amounts of radioactive materials could be released from facilities caused by vapor flow. Aerosol behaviors in compartments of facility building are essential to be analyzed for assessing amount of released radioactive materials. The atmosphere in the compartments consists of not only air and water vapor, but also HNO$$_{3}$$ vapor and NOx gases. Properties of viscosities, diffusion coefficients of those gases are necessary to simulate aerosol transport behaviors. The major simulation models for aerosol transport behaviors programmed in the exciting computer codes for severe accidents analysis of nuclear power plants are reviewed in this report to clarify essential thermodynamic properties. Viscosities are estimated for HNO$$_{3}$$, NO$$_{2}$$ and N$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$. Recommended values are discussed for applying those existing code to boiling accident.



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