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Role of technical reports as a means of scientific information distribution in the field of nuclear science and technology

石川 正

Ishikawa, Masashi


Japan Atomic Energy Agency has provided the twenty-thousand technical reports on the internet to publish results of research and development activities in detail. In technical reports, detailed results, experimental data, findings etc. are recorded. Technical report system is effective for communication among scientists and engineers for research development in big science like nuclear research. The number of download of technical reports is over 4.7 million in a year. Recently, scientist and engineers engaged in research and development projects are inclined to submit papers to journals which have high impact factor. But technical reports are more useful for carrying research results of big projects than journal articles. It is also useful for knowledge management to transfer results and achievements to the following generation. To improve the technical report system to meet the needs of scientists and engineers and assisting the knowledge management is proposed.



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