※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Correlation between a photoelectron and a fragment ion in dissociative ionization of ethanol in intense near-infrared laser fields


穂坂 綱一*; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 板倉 隆二

Hosaka, Koichi*; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Itakura, Ryuji


Dissociative ionization of ethanol (C$$_{2}$$H$$_{5}$$OH) induced by an intense near-infrared laser pulse are investigated using photoelectron-photoion coincidence method. It is shown that both the electronic ground state and the first electronically excited state of C$$_{2}$$H$$_{5}$$OH$$^{+}$$ are produced at the moment of photoelectron emission. From the observed correlation between the electronic states of C$$_{2}$$H$$_{5}$$OH$$^{+}$$ prepared at the moment of photoelectron emission and the kinetic energy release of the fragment ions, it is revealed that C$$_{2}$$H$$_{5}$$OH$$^{+}$$ prepared in the electronic ground state at the photoelectron emission gains larger internal energy in the end than that prepared in the electronically excited state. The averaged internal energy of C$$_{2}$$H$$_{5}$$OH$$^{+}$$ just before the dissociation is found to increase when the laser field intensity increases from 9 to 23 TW/cm$$^{2}$$. And when the laser pulse duration increases from 35 to 800 fs.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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