Multiphysics analysis system for tube failure accident in steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactor
内堀 昭寛
; 菊地 晋
; 栗原 成計
; 浜田 広次
; 大島 宏之
Uchibori, Akihiro; Kikuchi, Shin; Kurihara, Akikazu; Hamada, Hirotsugu; Ohshima, Hiroyuki
Multiphysics analysis system was newly developed to evaluate possibility of failure propagation occurrence under tube failure accident in a steam generator of sodium cooled fast reactors. The system consists of the computer codes, SERAPHIM, TACT, RELAP5, which are based on the mechanistic numerical models. The SERAPHIM codes calculates multicomponent multiphase flow involving sodium-water chemical reaction. In this study, a numerical model for chemical reaction about production of a sodium monoxide and its transport process were constructed. We also developed the numerical models of the TACT code for evaluation of shell-side flow around an adjacent tube, heat transfer from the fluid to the tube and occurrence of tube failure. In our analysis system, thermal hydraulic behavior of water inside the tube is evaluated by the RELAP5 code. The original heat transfer correlations were corrected for the rapidly heated tube in the present work.