A Percolation model of the streamer discharges
佐々木 明; 加藤 進*; 高橋 栄一*; 金澤 誠司*
Sasaki, Akira; Kato, Susumu*; Takahashi, Eiichi*; Kanazawa, Seiji*
Although streamer discharges have long been studied, the mechanism of sudden formation of the complex discharge path has not been fully understood. We show that a simulation based on the percolation model reproduces such development of the streamer. In the model, the discharge medium is divided into cells and is considered to form an electrical circuit network, which is used to calculate the current. In contrast to the characteristic feature of a single electron avalanche is explained by the Townsend theory, when the size of the system becomes greater, random formation of the avalanche in the medium and connection between them determines the propagation of the steamer, which is analyzed using the percolation model. Figure shows the simulated discharge from the initial pre-discharge activity near the electrode to rapid growth of the stepped leader, which causes breakdown.