Sodium transport and ion transporter gene expressions in the root of common reed (
樋口 恭子*; 佐藤 毅治*; 鈴井 伸郎; 丸山 哲平*; 藤巻 秀; 三輪 睿太郎*
Higuchi, Kyoko*; Sato, Takeharu*; Suzui, Nobuo; Maruyama, Teppei*; Fujimaki, Shu; Miwa, Eitaro*
Among the plants that grow on highly salinized soils, the Na content in the aerial parts of the reed (
) is extremely low. Previously we showed that the amounts of Na
ascending via the xylem was reduced to approximately 5% and 50%, respectively, in common reed and rice (
), because of the presence of shoot bases. In the current study, we analyzed the direction and rate of Na
translocation within the tissues of common reed and rice under constant high salt condition by using radioactive
Na and a positron-emitting tracer-imaging system (PETIS). Our analysis suggested that the roots and shoot bases of common reed have constitutive mechanisms for efficient retrieval of Na
from the xylem vessel and effective transportation of Na
solely to the root tips via the phloem, which is against the high Na
concentration gradient in nutrient solutions. Further, these mechanisms contribute to maintaining low Na
concentration in the shoots of common reed. In addition, we detected transcripts of putative Na
and K
transporters and channels from cells collected using laser micro dissection (LMD) in order to identify the molecules contributing to Na