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 年 ~ 


Temperature and chemical history for spent fuel pools in Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station; Units 1 through 4

井上 賢紀 ; 浅賀 健男

Inoue, Masaki; Asaka, Takeo


Integrity of fuel assemblies (FAs) stored in the spent fuel pools (SFPs) of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (units 1 through 4) is one of the most important issues to transport the FAs to the common pool for long term storage. The SFPs had lost their functions of decay heat removal and water supply due to the station blackout. Since fresh and sea waters were injected into and concrete fragments by hydrogen explosions fell into the SFPs, the FAs have been exposed to much more corrosive environments than usual ones. In this report, many events during the accidents were investigated from a view point of temperature and chemical constituents in the SFPs in order to evaluate integrity for fuel assemblies during long term storage in the common pool by means of corrosion tests.



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