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Ge diffusion and bonding state change in metal/high-$$k$$/Ge gate stacks and its impact on electrical properties

Hosoi, Takuji*; Hideshima, Iori*; Tanaka, Ryohei*; Minoura, Yuya*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Teraoka, Yuden; Shimura, Takayoshi*; Watanabe, Heiji*

Ge diffusion and chemical bonding states in metal/high-$$k$$/Ge gate stacks were investigated by synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy to understand their impact on electrical properties. Although Hf germanide was found in HfO$$_{2}$$/GeO$$_{x}$$/Ge gate stacks, such germanide could be fully oxidized by using plasma-assisted oxidation. However, Al electrode on HfO$$_{2}$$/GeO$$_{x}$$/Ge stacks reduced interfacial GeO$$_{x}$$ layer, resulting in the formation of Al germanide at the Al/HfO$$_{2}$$ interface. No germanide was formed in the stacks with inert Pt electrode, suggesting the Al layer may promote upward diffusion of GeO molecules through the HfO$$_{2}$$ layer. Hf germanide was formed near the HfO$$_{2}$$/GeO$$_{x}$$ interface probably due to Ge intermixing with the HfO$$_{2}$$ layer in the Pt-gate stacks, in contrast to the enhanced formation of Al germanide in Al-gate stacks. The formation of metal germanide led to severe degradation of insulating properties in metal/high-$$k$$/Ge stacks.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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