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Report No.

Observation of intermolecular N-I interaction during the growth of a 4-cyano-4$$^{'}$$-iodobiphenyl molecular crystal on GeS(001)

Sumii, Ryohei*; Sakamaki, Masako*; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Amemiya, Kenta*; Kanai, Kaname*; Seki, Kazuhiko*

The electronic and atomic structures of 4-cyano-4$$^{'}$$-iodobiphenyl (CIB) during the growth of a molecular crystal on a GeS(001) substrate were studied by ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. AFM images suggest that the CIB molecule grows as a microcrystal at a nominal thickness of 80${AA}$. The microcrystal grows with the crystal plane parallel to the surface and isotropic crystal axis orientation. EXAFS analysis suggests that a CIB crystal forms by strong N-I interaction, called halogen bonding. The formation of the intermolecular N-I bond was demonstrated by EXAFS analyses in which the N-I distance was determined to be 3.29${AA}$. An upward shift of the highest occupied molecular orbital level was observed by UPS and can be attributed to the aggregation of CIB molecules caused by halogen bonding.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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