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Report No.

Behaviour of IPG waste forms bearing BaSO$$_{4}$$ as the dominant sludge constituent generated from the treatment of water used for cooling the stricken power reactors

Amamoto, Ippei; Kobayashi, Hidekazu ; Yokozawa, Takuma; Yamashita, Teruo ; Nagai, Takayuki  ; Kitamura, Naoto*; Takebe, Hiromichi*; Mitamura, Naoki*; Tsuzuki, Tatsuya*

The great amount of water used for cooling the stricken power reactors at Fukushima Dai-ichi has resulted in accumulation of "remaining water". As the remaining water is subsequently contaminated by FPs, etc., it is necessary to decontaminate it in order to reduce the volume of liquid radioactive waste and to reuse it again for cooling the reactors. Various techniques are being applied to remove FP, etc. and to make stable waste forms. One of the methods using the iron phosphate glass as a medium is being developed to stabilize the strontium-bearing sludge whose main component is BaSO$$_{4}$$. From the results hitherto, the iron phosphate glass is regarded as a potential medium for the target sludge.



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