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Research on removal technologies of fuel debris and in-vessel structures using laser light (I); Research plan and research activities on FY2012

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Yamada, Tomonori; Hanari, Toshihide ; Takebe, Toshihiko; Matsunaga, Yukihiro

In decommissioning works of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants, it is required that fuel debris solidifying mixed materials of fuels and in-vessel structures should be removed. The fuel debris is considered to have characteristics, such as indefinite shapes, porous bodies, multi-compositions, higher hardness, etc. from the knowledge in the U.S. and the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. Laser lights are characterized by higher power density, local processability, remote controllabilitiy, etc. and can be performed thermal cutting and crushing-up for various materials which does not depend on fracture toughness. This report describes a research program and research activities in FY2012 aiming at developing removal system of fuel debris by the use of laser lights.



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