Study on mechanism of inner duct wall failure within fuel subassembly during core disruptive accidents in an LMFBR; Results of parametric analyses for heat transfer
Toyooka, Junichi ; Endo, Hiroshi*; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Takahashi, Minoru*
In the design of future sodium-cooled fast reactor, a design measure to prevent severe re-criticality events even in case of core disruptive accidents is considered. This design adopts inner duct within the fuel sub-assembly that should allow molten fuel ejection out of the core region. The effectiveness of this design is dependent on failure time of the duct and it depends significantly on heat transfer from the melting core materials to the duct. In the previous study by the authors, heat transfer from molten fuel/steel mixture to the inner duct was evaluated with a computer model simulation for an in-pile experiment performed in IGR (Impulse Graphite Reactor) focusing on demonstration of the design effectiveness. In the present study, possible uncertainties in the assumption and model parameters in the previous study were evaluated so that validity of the main conclusion of the previous study could be confirmed and re-enforced. This confirmation consisted of evaluation of necessary fuel-to-steel heat transfer area, effect of hydrodynamic fragmentation of steel droplets, steel-vapor condensation heat transfer onto the duct surface and fuel crust formation. Furthermore, possible effect of variation in fuel designs and transient scenarios to the heat transfer was evaluated changing steel volume fraction as the initial boundary conditions. It was concluded that the previous study was appropriate in representing the realistic situation and the conclusions in the previous study were enforced. An additional set of analysis showed that possible under-estimation of heat transfer from fuel/steel mixture to the duct could be enhanced with a condition where steel volume fraction is less. Future model improvement is preferable for this characteristic.