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Report No.

New insights of the radiation biology from the abortive colony size analysis

Sakashita, Tetsuya; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Kawaguchi, Isao*; Ouchi, Noriyuki; Hara, Takamitsu*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Saito, Kimiaki  

Clonogenicity gives important information about the cellular reproductive potential following ionizing irradiation, but an abortive colony that fails to continue to grow remains poorly characterized. By applying the simple model of branching processes to the linear relationship of the abortive colony size distribution, we found the persistent reproductive cell death (RCD) over several generations following irradiation. Radiation-induced RCD, i.e. excess probability, lasted over 16 generations and mainly consisted of two components in the early ($$<$$3 generations) and late phases. Intriguingly, the survival curve was sensitive to the excess probability over 5 generations, whereas abortive colony size distribution was robust against it. These results suggest that, whereas short-term RCD is critical to the abortive colony size distribution, long-lasting RCD is important for the dose response of the surviving fraction.



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