Role of the electron temperature in the current decay during disruption in JT-60U
柴田 欣秀; 諫山 明彦; 松永 剛; 河野 康則; 宮本 斉児*; Lukash, V.*; Khayrutdinov, R.*; JT-60チーム
Shibata, Yoshihide; Isayama, Akihiko; Matsunaga, Go; Kawano, Yasunori; Miyamoto, Seiji*; Lukash, V.*; Khayrutdinov, R.*; JT-60 Team
We performed the disruption simulation using DINA code to investigate the effect of the electron temperature on the plasma current decay after the initial phase of current quench (CQ). In this calculation, we used the measured profile during the initial phase of CQ. After the initial phase of CQ, we assumed that the profile does not change in time and used the value at the end of the initial phase of current quench because profile could not be measured after the initial phase of CQ. From the simulation results, it was found that the time evolution of plasma current calculated by DINA was similar to experimental one in this calculation. However, the time evolution of profile in this calculation was different from the measured profile because Te after first mini-collapse rapidly decreased until the value below a measurement limit (less than 0.1 keV). Moreover, the time evolution of poloidal cross-section S calculated by DINA code was rapidly decreased although the experimental one was gradually decreased. The plasma current decay during the disruption is determined by various parameters, , and S. It is necessary to evaluate the effect of profile on the plasma current decay after the initial phase of CQ by using various assumed model and DINA code.