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Report No.

Corrosion issues for the mid-and-long term safety management of Fukushima Daiichi NPP

Tsukada, Takashi ; Motooka, Takafumi; Nakano, Junichi; Sato, Tomonori  ; Hata, Kuniki ; Yamamoto, Masahiro 

At the Fukushima Daiichi (1F) nuclear power plant (NPP), the seawater was injected to cool down the reactor cores and fuel assemblies in Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) after the accident in March 2013. Therefore, steel components of Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) and Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) and also Zircaloy cladding of fuel assemblies in SFP will be exposed to corrosion environment of diluted seawater and high dose radiation during storage. At JAEA, based on the mid-and-long-term roadmap for decommissioning of the unit 1-4 of 1F NPP, research on the long term integrity of RPV/PCV and fuel assemblies have been carried out from a viewpoint of the effect of seawater and radiation on corrosion. Outline and results of irradiation corrosion test will be presented.



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