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Report No.

Research and development of radiation measuring instruments for lake,pond and river sediments, 1

Yanagizawa, Koichi; Hayashi, Toshio*; Oinuma, Masaru*; Takemori, Makoto*; Ishikawa, Takanori*; Okaya, Tomoichi*; Nishigaki, Makoto*

The development of instrument aimed at the measurement of radiation dose in the sediment of lakes, rivers and sea bed been carried out. The radiation level contained in the sediment at the bottom of lake and so on is anticipated to indicate the existence of locally high radiation spots where the diffused radioactive substance is accumulated in ponds, rivers and lakes by rainwater. The radiation dose measurement system this time is to measure $$gamma$$-ray by dragging the detector, which is called probe, at the bottom of lakes to understand the radiation dose over wide areas. Furthermore, the measurement of resistivity value at the bottom of lakes is simultaneously dose to presume the condition of sediment.



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