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Report No.

Measurement of tritium penetration through concrete material covered by various paints coating

Edao, Yuki; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Kurata, Rie; Fukada, Satoshi*; Takeishi, Toshiharu*; Hayashi, Takumi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

The present study aims at obtaining fundamental knowledge for tritium transfer behavior and interaction between tritium and paint coated on concrete walls. The amounts of tritium penetration and release in cement paste with epoxy and urethane paint coatings were measured. The tritium penetration amounts were increased with the HTO exposure time. Time to achieve each saturate tritium value was more than 60 days for cement paste coated with epoxy paint and with urethane paint, while cement paste without paint took 2 days to achieve it. Tritium penetration rates were estimated by an analysis of diffusion model. Although their paint coatings were effective for reduction of tritium penetration through the cement paste exposed to HTO for a short period, the amount of tritium trapped in the paints became large for a long time. This work has been performed under the collaboration research between JAEA and Kyushu University.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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