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Report No.

Problem on MATXS files with multiple temperature cross section data

Konno, Chikara  ; Maeda, Shigetaka   ; Kosako, Kazuaki*

We report a problem on multigroup cross section data MATXS files with multiple temperatures. This problem was newly found out through neutron and $$gamma$$ flux calculations in a simple model of experimental fast reactor Joyo with DORT and MATXSLIB-J40, which is a multigroup cross section data file (300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800 K) of the latest Japanese Nuclear Data Library version 4.0 (JENDL-4.0) processed with the NJOY99 code. The calculated total neutron fluxes were almost the same both in 300 K and 600 K, while the total $$gamma$$ fluxes in 600 K were by 10% higher those that in 300 K. Through our detailed investigation, it was found out that the MATXS data format processed with NJOY was not consistent to that assumed in TRANSX for $$gamma$$ production data. In order to solve this problem, we made a simple program for modifying MATXS files to ones suitable to TRANSX. MATXSLIB-J40 will be revised with this program.



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Category:Energy & Fuels



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