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 年 ~ 

Deuterium retention in tungsten coating layers irradiated with deuterium and carbon ions


福本 正勝; 仲野 友英; 上田 良夫*; 伊丹 潔; 久保 博孝

Fukumoto, Masakatsu; Nakano, Tomohide; Ueda, Yoshio*; Itami, Kiyoshi; Kubo, Hirotaka

Deuterium retention in a tungsten coating layer by deuterium and carbon mixed ion beam irradiation has been investigated by changing the carbon ion fraction and the surface temperature. Graphite is formed, while tungsten carbide (WC) and ditungsten carbide (W$$_2$$C) are not formed in the tungsten coating layer. At a surface temperature of 500 K, deuterium is retained in the trapping sites with a single trapping energy, which is expected to be grain boundaries and/or pore surfaces, and carbon retained in the tungsten coating layer. At a surface temperature of 700 K, most of the deuterium is not trapped by intrinsic defects such as grain boundaries and pore surfaces, but trapped by carbon retained in the tungsten coating layer. Analysis of deuterium desorption spectra suggests that deuterium is retained in the form of C-D bond in the tungsten coating layer.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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