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Scenario study for the transition from thermal reactors to fast reactors in the world


向井田 恭子  ; 安松 直人*; 辺田 正則*; 大滝 明 ; 塩谷 洋樹; 小野 清 ; 平田 勝 

Mukaida, Kyoko; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Heta, Masanori*; Ohtaki, Akira; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Hirata, Masaru

Nuclear energy is expected to continue playing an important role in solution for covering the increasing demand for energy mainly in developing countries, while curbing greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve global sustainable energy future, deployment of fast reactor (FR) and its fuel cycle system and transition from thermal reactors will be significant. This paper introduces the results of evaluation carried out to explore the effects obtained by FR deployment in the world through several assumptions and scenarios using the comprehensive nuclear system evaluation method named nuclear supply chain model (SCM) developed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).



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