※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Study on calculation method of the number of measurement points and procedure of decision-making for site release verification

石神 努; 島田 太郎 

Ishigami, Tsutomu; Shimada, Taro


In the field of safety regulation system for nuclear facilities after the permanent shutdown of their operations, a verification method of site release in confirmation of decommissioning completion which is a final stage of decommissioning and its specific procedure are important technical issues. On the assumption that decision-making on site release would be made based on measurement results of radioactive concentrations of soils at tens of points, we studied a calculation method of the number of measurement points and a procedure of decision-making for site release. We derived an equation to calculate the number of measurement points that gives the minimum expected cost of site release verification in ensuring safety of the public, taking into account probabilities of decision errors, scenarios of decision-making to site release, and cost of verification. We also developed a specific procedure of decision-making for site release based on the way of scenarios of decision-making.



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