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Report No.

Distribution of radioactive nuclides of boring core samples extracted from concrete structures of reactor buildings in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Maeda, Koji  ; Sasaki, Shinji  ; Kumai, Misaki; Sato, Isamu; Suto, Mitsuo; Osaka, Masahiko  ; Goto, Tetsuo*; Sakai, Hitoshi*; Chigira, Takayuki*; Murata, Hirotoshi*

Since the start of the severe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011, concrete surfaces within the reactor buildings have been exposed to radioactive contaminants. Released radiation sources still remain too high to permit entry into some areas of the RBs to allow the damage to be assessed and to allow carrying out the restoration of lost safety functions, decommissioning activities, etc. In order to clarify the situation of this contamination in the RBs, 18 samples were subjected to analyses to determine the surface radionuclide concentrations and to characterize the radionuclide distributions in the samples. Decontamination tests on the sample of Unit 2 were conducted to reduce the levels of radioactivity present near the sample surface. As a result of the tests, the level of radioactivity of the sample was reduced with the removal of 97% of the contamination present near the sample surface.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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