※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Joint resistance measurements of pancake and terminal joints for JT-60SA EF coils

JT-60SA EFコイルのパンケーキとターミナルジョイントの接続抵抗測定

尾花 哲浩*; 高畑 一也*; 濱口 真司*; 三戸 利行*; 今川 信作*; 木津 要; 村上 陽之; 吉田 清

Obana, Tetsuhiro*; Takahata, Kazuya*; Hamaguchi, Shinji*; Mito, Toshiyuki*; Imagawa, Shinsaku*; Kizu, Kaname; Murakami, Haruyuki; Yoshida, Kiyoshi


To evaluate joint fabrication technology, resistance measurements were conducted using a sample consisting of pancake and terminal joints for the JT-60SA EF coils. Both joints fulfilled the design requirement of 5 $$Omega$$ at the external field of 3 T. The electrical resistance of the pancake joint was slightly lower than that of the terminal joint. Analyses indicated that the characteristics of the conductors used in the joints affect those of the joints. The presence or absence of copper wires in the conductor is one factor that determines the characteristics of the joints.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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