※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Progress on development of ITER neutron flux monitor with microfission chamber system

石川 正男; 近藤 貴; 竹田 恵吾*; 伊丹 潔

Ishikawa, Masao; Kondoh, Takashi; Takeda, Keigo*; Itami, Kiyoshi


The Microfission chamber (MFC) diagnostics measure the total neutron emission from DT plasmas, providing the evaluation of the fusion power in ITER and the MFC is procured by JAEA. At the present stage, designs, tests and analyses have been performed as preliminary design for "In-vessel Components of ITER MFC System". For Design, detail design of feed through and making installation procedure of the MFC detectors and cable connectors. Also, thermal cycle test of the signal cable and noise test of signal transmission system have been performed. Further, thermal and EM analysis for in-vessel components have been done. In this conference, details of these activities are presented.



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