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Determinants on public acceptance in order to site a facility for high-level radioactive waste in France


大澤 英昭  ; 広瀬 幸雄*; 大友 章司*; 大沼 進*

Osawa, Hideaki; Hirose, Yukio*; Otomo, Shoji*; Onuma, Susumu*


We conducted internet survey to examine determinants on the public acceptance of siting a repository of HLW in France in and around Meuse/Haute-Marne district where is a candidate site for repository of HLW in France. Results showed that public acceptance was determined by risk perception, social/personal benefit, and procedural fairness pertaining to geological disposal. Affective reaction and trust directly and indirectly determined other factors and public acceptance. Furthermore, stigma and intergeneration subjective norm were particularly significant factors for public acceptance.



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