高速実験炉「常陽」における原子炉容器内保守・補修技術開発; 「常陽」炉心上部機構の交換に向けた技術開発,2
Inspection and repair techniques in the reactor vessel of the experimental fast reactor Joyo; Development of repair techniques for UCS replacement of Joyo, 2
伊藤 裕道; 高松 操 ; 川原 啓孝 ; 長井 秋則
Ito, Hiromichi; Takamatsu, Misao; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Nagai, Akinori
Because the gap between the UCS and rotation plug's guide sleeve is 5 mm in minimum, there is a risk of deformation of the UCS and guide sleeve with interference between UCS and guide sleeve in the UCS replacement work. In order to reduce the risk, R&D for below subjects is required.(1) UCS jack-up equipment with strict control of inclination, (2) Detection and escape method for interference between UCS and guide sleeve. In order to solve above (1), the jack-up equipment with applying three-point suspension is developed. Then, in the aspect of above (2), load-measuring devices are installed on three jacks of jack-up equipment. By means of detection eccentric load with interference, deformation of UCS and guide sleeve are prevented. And also, the location of interference can be investigated based on eccentric loads of three jacks. The performance is verified in the ex-vessel mock-up test using full-scale dummy of UCS.