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Intergenerational and interregional justice for policy acceptance of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste; A Case study in France

高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分政策の受容における世代間および地域間の公正さ; フランスを例として

大沼 進*; 広瀬 幸雄*; 大澤 英昭  ; 大友 章司*

Onuma, Susumu*; Hirose, Yukio*; Osawa, Hideaki; Otomo, Shoji*


We conducted an internet survey to examine determinants on the policy acceptance of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in France. The results showed that distributive justice (intergenerational and interregional justice) had a stronger effect on the policy acceptance than risk perception and affects. In addition, procedural justice, particularly opportunity of voice, was also significant effect on the policy acceptance.



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