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Report No.

Proceedings of the 8th Specialist Meeting on Recycling of Irradiated Beryllium; October 28, 2013, Bariloche, R$'i$o Negro, Argentina

Cocco, R. G.*; Ishida, V.*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko ; Dorn, C. K.*

This report summarizes the documents presented in the 8th Specialist Meeting on Recycling of Irradiated Beryllium, which held on October 28, 2013, in Bariloche, R$'i$o Negro, Argentina, hosted by INVAP and CNEA (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica). The objective of the meeting is to exchange the information of current status and future plan for beryllium study in the Research/Testing reactors. In this meeting, presentations on current status and future plan for beryllium study were carried out for the Research/Testing reactor fields from U.S.A., Korea, Argentina and Japan. Evaluation results of beryllium materials were discussed based on new data such as swelling, deformation, gas release and so on of irradiated beryllium. The subject of the used beryllium recycling was also discussed for the enforcement of demonstration recycling tests.



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