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Report No.

Enhanced fungicide resistance in ${it Isaria fumosorosea}$ following ionizing radiation-induced mutagenesis

Shinohara, Shinobu*; Fitriana, Y.*; Sato, Katsuya; Narumi, Issey*; Saito, Tsutomu*

The application of entomopathogenic fungi such as ${it Isaria fumosorosea}$ to combat insect pests on plants is complicated by their sensitivity to commonly used fungicides. In this study, ${it I. fumosorosea}$ mutations with enhanced resistance to the fungicide benomyl were induced by irradiation using either ion beams, $$gamma$$ rays, or a combination of the two. When grown on agar containing benomyl, mycelial growth was observed for five of the six mutant isolates at benomyl concentrations that were more than 2000-fold those observed for the wild-type isolate. Ion beams and $$gamma$$ rays are thus potentially useful tools for inducing beneficial fungal mutations and thereby improving the potential for application of entomopathogenic fungi as microbial control agents.



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