A Study on the method of an equivalent continuous body modelling using crack tensor theory in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project
真田 祐幸; 佐藤 稔紀 ; 丹野 剛男*; 引間 亮一*; 多田 浩幸*; 熊坂 博夫*; 石井 卓*; 櫻井 英行*
Sanada, Hiroyuki; Sato, Toshinori; Tanno, Takeo*; Hikima, Ryoichi*; Tada, Hiroyuki*; Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Ishii, Takashi*; Sakurai, Hideyuki*
Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been implementing the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project in order to develop the comprehensive investigation techniques for the geological environment and the engineering techniques to construct a deep underground laboratory in crystalline rock. In the rock mechanical study in the MIU Project, the development of the evaluation method for the excavation damaged zone due to excavation of shafts and research galleries is one of the important issues. In this report, crack tensor was calculated using the tunnel wall mapping and rock mechanical test results in the shaft and research galleries in the MIU. Two dimension excavation analysis was conducted at the Ventilation Shaft and GL -500 m Sub Stage using the calculated crack tensor at GL -500 m. Based on calculated crack tensor at GL 500 m, validation of the crack tensor at GL -500 m estimated during Phase I was verified. Relative error of crack tensor was calculated in order to examine variation of relative error to the scale of observation areas.