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Temperature control system for laser heating; Application for minute asteroidal materials


大澤 崇人  ; 小林 幹彦*; 今野 武志*; 江頭 満*; 岡崎 隆司*; 三浦 弥生*; 長尾 敬介*

Osawa, Takahito; Kobayashi, Mikihiko*; Konno, Takeshi*; Egashira, Mitsuru*; Okazaki, Ryuji*; Miura, Yayoi*; Nagao, Keisuke*

微小なイトカワ試料を段階加熱するために、極小のW-Re熱電対を用いたレーザー加熱温度制御システムを開発した。線径25$$mu$$mの3% Re-Wと26% Re-Wを使用した熱電対を製作し、独自の温度検定プログラムを用いて温度校正を行ない起電力を測定した。レーザー温度制御ではLabVIEW 2011にて制御プログラムを開発した。試料が極めて小さく熱電対も極小であることから通常のPID制御は採用しなかった。試料ホルダーは石英で製作して絶縁性を確保した。平均加熱温度は設定温度より少し低く、標準偏差と最大オーバーシュートはそれぞれ2.5%, 6.0%未満であった。本システムは微小地球外物質の加熱実験に十分な性能を達成した。

A temperature control system for a laser heating has been developed to extract noble gases from minute material samples recovered from the asteroid Itokawa by the Hayabusa spacecraft. An ultra-fine thermocouple was produced from 3% Re-W and 26% Re-W wires 25 $$mu$$m in diameter, and its electromotive force was calibrated. A temperature control program was originally produced using LabVIEW 2011 in which proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control was not adopted as an algorithm of the program. The program controlled the temperature of the tiny samples appropriately. The average temperature during heating was slightly lower than the setting temperature and the standard deviation and the maximum overshoot were lower than 2.5% and 6.0% of the setting temperature, respectively. The performance of the temperature control system is high enough to conduct the stepwise heating experiment for minute extraterrestrial material samples.



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分野:Engineering, Multidisciplinary



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