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Neutrinos in core-collapse supernovae and nucleosynthesis

Kajino, Toshitaka*; Mathews, G. J.*; Hayakawa, Takehito

Neutrino interactions are a key component of the mechanism for supernova explosions. They also play an important role in the associated nucleosynthesis. Nevertheless, a number of issues remain to be resolved. In this review we summarize research by our group and others on some of these issues. Much effort is now invested in understanding the transport of neutrinos from the core and the role of neutrino heated convection in the outer envelopes. In addition to the neutrino transport issues, we review some current topics in neutrino induced nucleosynthesis (the neutrino and p processes). We review some current issues regarding the synthesis of the neutirno-process isotopes $$^{180}$$Ta and $$^{138}$$La and summarize the application of the neutrino -process chronometers, $$^{136,138}$$Ce, $$^{138}$$La, and$$^{92}$$Nb. We also consider other aspects.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Nuclear



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