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Three-dimensional tsunami analysis for the plot plan of a sodium-cooled fast reactor plant

早川 教*; 渡辺 収*; 伊藤 啓; 山本 智彦  

Hayakawa, Satoshi*; Watanabe, Osamu*; Ito, Kei; Yamamoto, Tomohiko

建屋に対する津波荷重評価において実用的に用いられる津波荷重算定式は、複雑な形状・配置の建屋に対しては適切な評価結果を与えない。本研究では、ナトリウム冷却高速炉プラント建屋に対する津波荷重を評価するため、Volume of Fluid法を用いた界面追跡を含む3次元数値解析を行う。まず、既往の津波実験が解析によって再現できることを確認し、その上で、津波の遡上から引き波までを対象とする3次元数値解析を実施し、プラント建屋周囲の流れ場や界面形状を評価する。

As the practical evaluation method of the effect of tsunami on buildings, the formula of tsunami force has been used. However, it cannot be applied to complex geometry of buildings. In this study, to analyze the effect of tsunami on the buildings of sodium-cooled fast reactor plant more accurately, three-dimensional tsunami analysis was performed. In the analysis, VOF (Volume of Fluid) method was used to capture free surface of tsunami. At the beginning, it was confirmed that the tsunami experiment results was reproduced by VOF method accurately. Next, the three-dimensional tsunami analysis was performed with VOF method to evaluate the flow field around the buildings of the plant from the beginning of the tsunami until the backwash of that.



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