高速増殖炉の炉心溶融事故後冷却挙動の研究,23; 格子ボルツマン法を用いた液体ジェットのブレイクアップ挙動解析
Study on quench behavior at core disruptive accident for fast breeder reactor, 23; Simulation of breakup behavior of liquid jet by lattice Boltzmann method
岩澤 譲*; 阿部 豊*; 金子 暁子*; 齋藤 慎平*; 松尾 英治*; 海老原 健一
; 坂場 弘*; 小山 和也*; 成合 英樹*
Iwasawa, Yuzuru*; Abe, Yutaka*; Kaneko, Akiko*; Saito, Shimpei*; Matsuo, Eiji*; Ebihara, Kenichi; Sakaba, Hiroshi*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Nariai, Hideki*
Since there is a possibility that molten core is spouted out into coolant in the case of the core disruptive accident of a fast breeder reactor, it is important to predict the jet breakup length, which is the distance that the jet reaches, for proper cooling. The previous report discusses the adaptability of the simulation by the lattice Boltzmann model to the experiment of liquid jet by comparing to the experiment with air entrainment which is not considered in the model. In this presentation, we discussed the mechanism of jet breakup by comparing the simulation to the experiment without air entrainment. As a result, the model reproduced the jet behavior without air entrainment well, and the dimensionless number regarding the jet breakup length was almost same with that of the experiment. In addition, according to the flow velocity distribution obtained from the simulation, it was confirmed that vortexes at the leading-edge of the jet promote the jet breakup.