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Performance test results for the Advanced Fuel Assembly Assay System (AFAS) on the active length verification of LWR MOX fuel assembly by neutron detectors

Advanced Fuel Assembly Assay System (AFAS)に適用される中性子検出器によるMOX燃料集合体の有効長検認に関する性能評価試験結果

中島 真司; 長谷 竹晃 ; 白茂 英雄 ; 浅野 隆 ; Marlow, J. B.*; Swinhoe, M. T.*; Menlove, H. O.*; Rael, C. D.*; 川末 朱音*; 礒 章子*; 渡邊 健人*

Nakajima, Shinji; Nagatani, Taketeru; Shiromo, Hideo; Asano, Takashi; Marlow, J. B.*; Swinhoe, M. T.*; Menlove, H. O.*; Rael, C. D.*; Kawasue, Akane*; Iso, Shoko*; Watanabe, Takehito*


The Advanced Fuel Assembly Assay System (AFAS) is an unattended non-destructive assay (NDA) system by neutron measurement to verify the plutonium amount in an LWR plutonium and uranium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel assembly. The assembly will be fabricated in the MOX fuel fabrication plant under construction by the Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited. The AFAS has been developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory under the auspices of the Secretariat of Nuclear Regulation Authority in Japan. The AFAS is the first NDA system which will verify the active length of the assembly without inspector attendance. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has conducted the performance test for the AFAS under the contract with Nuclear Material Control Center to demonstrate this active length verification technology by using MOX fuel assemblies owned by JAEA. As the results, it was confirmed that measurement error of the active length for the MOX fuel assembly was less than 0.1% and it was satisfied with requirement by IAEA. This paper provides the performance test results for the active length verification of the AFAS.



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