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 年 ~ 

Measurement of the direct particle transport through stochastic media using neutron resonance transmission analysis


Becker, B.*; Kopecky, S.*; 原田 秀郎   ; Schillebeeckx, P.*

Becker, B.*; Kopecky, S.*; Harada, Hideo; Schillebeeckx, P.*

A measurement of the uncollided neutron flux passing through a sample containing a stochastic mixture of tungsten and sulfur grains has been performed using neutron resonance transmission analysis in the 3-200 eV energy region. The impact of the heterogeneous characteristic of the sample is shown based on a comparison of the measurement with a calculated transmission spectrum of a homogeneous sample, which was verified by a measurement with a homogeneous metallic disc. By using a single strong resonance of tungsten, the particle self-shielding factor between 0.2-0.9 was directly measured. The experimental data have been compared with model calculations using the Markovian Levermore-Pomraning model. The measured transmission has been used to determine the effective characteristic chord length and volume fraction of the tungsten grains within the sample.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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