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Report No.

Cooperative behavior of the random and correlated pinning in Er123 films with columnar defects

Awaji, Satoshi*; Namba, Masashi*; Watanabe, Kazuo*; Ito, Shun*; Aoyagi, Eiji*; Kai, Hideki*; Mukaida, Masashi*; Okayasu, Satoru  

The flux pinning behaviors for the heavy ion irradiated Er123 films are investigated based on the detailed $$J$$$$_{rm c}$$ ($$B$$, $$T$$, $$theta$$) properties. The double peaks of $$F$$$$_{rm p}$$ curves for $$B$$//c appear in case of the matching field of 0.3 T along $$c$$-axis and 1.7 T tilted from $$c$$-axis. In addition, the peaks on $$J$$$$_{rm c}$$ ($$theta$$) at $$theta$$ = 0$$^{circ}$$ (B//c), which originate from the columnar defects, decrease with increasing magnetic field but increase again near the irreversibility field. We found that the cooperation model of the $$c$$-axis correlated and random pinning centers can describe the observed double peak behavior of $$F$$$$_{rm p}$$(B) and the angular dependence of $$J$$$$_{rm c}$$ related to the correlated pinning.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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