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Report No.

Superconducting MgB$$_2$$ thin film detector for neutrons

Ishida, Takekazu*; Nishikawa, Masatoshi*; Fujita, Yoshifumi*; Okayasu, Satoru  ; Katagiri, Masaki*; Sato, Kazuo*; Yotsuya, Tsutomu*; Shimakage, Hisashi*; Miki, Shigehito*; Wang, Z.*; Machida, Masahiko  ; Kano, Takuma*; Kato, Masaru*

The superconducting neutron detector using high-quality $$^{10}$$B-enriched MgB$$_2$$ thin films at higher operating temperatures has been proposed, where a resistance change induced by the nuclear reaction of neutron and $$^{10}$$B in MgB$$_2$$ is used to detect a neutron. Cold neutrons from a nuclear research reactor irradiated the MgB$$_2$$ detector, and the output voltage was clearly observed through a low-noise amplifier by using a digital oscilloscope. The out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics was investigated by means of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations by using the Earth Simulator.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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