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In-tunnel spraying test of the low alkaline super shotcrete, 1; General

熊坂 博夫*; 小林 伸司*; 小菅 啓一*; 奥山 康二*; 草野 隆司*; 栗田 和昭*; 山脇 弘幸; 佐藤 稔紀  

Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Kobayashi, Shinji*; Kosuga, Keiichi*; Okuyama, Yasuji*; Kusano, Takashi*; Kurita, Kazuaki*; Yamawaki, Hiroyuki; Sato, Toshinori


Shotcreting is currently underway in the south research access tunnel 500 m underground at Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory. The use of the low alkaline super shotcrete spraying method, which makes it possible to obtain high strength and high stiffness quickly after spraying while minimizing an environmental impact, is being considered as a means of stabilizing an excavated rock surface whose condition is rapidly deteriorating. For the purpose of evaluating the applicability of the method to the shotcreting work currently in progress, a verification field test was conducted. This paper briefly reports on the test.



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