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 年 ~ 

Design of J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility


佐々 敏信   

Sasa, Toshinobu


To obtain the data required for ADS design, JAEA plans to build a Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF) in the J-PARC project. TEF consists of an ADS target test facility (TEF-T), which will be installed high power Pb-Bi spallation target, and a Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility (TEF-P), which set up a fast critical/subcritical assembly driven by low power proton beam. TEF will be located at the end of J-PARC 400MeV LINAC and accepts 250 kW proton beam. As a major research and development items of TEF-T, irradiation test for candidate ADS materials, engineering tests for Pb-Bi target and experiments to determine the effective lifetime of proton beam window will be performed. When the target operates with full power beam, fast neutron spectrum field is formed around the target and it is possible to apply multi-purpose usage. In the presentation, roadmap to establish the ADS transmutor and design activities for TEF construction will be summarized.



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