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Report No.

Simulation study of power load with impurity seeding in advanced divertor "short super-X divertor" for a tokamak reactor

Asakura, Nobuyuki; Hoshino, Kazuo; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Shinya, Kichiro*; Uto, Hiroyasu; Tokunaga, Shinsuke; Tobita, Kenji; Ono, Noriyasu*

Arrangements of interlink divertor coils and divertor geometries for short super-X was proposed as the Demo advanced divertor design. Performance of plasma detachment under the large heat flux was investigated to optimize the divertor design, using SONIC simulation with Ar impurity seeding, where Pout = 500 MW, ne = 7$$times$$10$$^{19}$$ m$$^{-3}$$ at the core-edge boundary and the same diffusion coefficients for ITER simulation. Effects on the plasma temperature and density distributions were compared to the conventional divertor. The first run results with the same radiation power fraction of 0.92 in the conventional divertor showed that full detached plasma is produced, the maximum radiation region was maintained upstream the divertor target, and both the plasma heat load plus radiation load at the target was reduced to 10 MWmm$$^{-2}$$ level. Simulation for the lower radiation power fractions of 0.8-0.9 was also performed, and physics issues of the short super-X divertor are discussed.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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