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 年 ~ 

Fabrication process qualification of TF Insert Coil using real ITER TF conductor


尾関 秀将; 礒野 高明; 河野 勝己; 齊藤 徹; 川崎 勉; 西野 克巳; 奥野 清; 木戸 修一*; 仙波 智行*; 鈴木 洋三*; 市村 拓也*; 井上 誠二*; 口石 佳一*; 長谷川 浩史*; Smirnov, A.*; Martovetsky, N.*

Ozeki, Hidemasa; Isono, Takaaki; Kawano, Katsumi; Saito, Toru; Kawasaki, Tsutomu; Nishino, Katsumi; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Kido, Shuichi*; Semba, Tomoyuki*; Suzuki, Yozo*; Ichimura, Takuya*; Inoue, Seiji*; Kuchiishi, Yoshikazu*; Hasegawa, Hiroshi*; Smirnov, A.*; Martovetsky, N.*

JAEA is planning performance test of 50 m Toroidal Field (TF) conductor of ITER using Central Solenoid Model Coil (CSMC) test facility at Naka-site in Japan. In order to test the conductor, "TF Insert Coil" (TFIC) is under fabrication in cooperate with Hitachi, Ltd. TFIC is a solenoid coil wound in 1.44 m diameter. It is going to be installed into the bore of CSMC, whose maximum magnetic field is 13 T. The maximum driven current of TFIC is 68 kA. In order to prepare for fabrication of TFIC, several trials of components including windings, removal of Cr plating of the strands, welding and compaction of terminal sleeve were carried out for process qualification. The results of trials showed that the winding dimater satisfied its criterion, the Cr plating was clearly removed using non-woven cloth soaked into HCl solution, the mechanical strengths at 4 K of welds at the terminal were enough. Eventually, the fabrication process qualification of TFIC was completed.



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分野:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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