※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Collapse evaluation of double notched stainless pipes subjected to combined tension and bending


鈴木 良祐*; 松原 雅昭*; 柳原 星児*; 森尻 貢*; 大森 敦*; 若井 隆純 

Suzuki, Ryosuke*; Matsubara, Masaaki*; Yanagihara, Seiji*; Morijiri, Mitsugu*; Omori, Atsushi*; Wakai, Takashi


In this study, the plastic collapse strength of asymmetry multiple circumferential notched stainless steel pipes subjected to combined axial tension and bending is investigated experimentally and is compared with the theoretical plastic collapse strength. In addition, the potential is discussed for the simplification of structural integrity evaluation of multiple cracked piping. The integrity of the asymmetry multiple circumferential notched stainless steel pipes subjected to combined axial tension and bending can be evaluated conservatively using the theoretical plastic collapse strength for the pipe with multiple notches calculated based on the elastic-perfectly plastic model.



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分野:Engineering, Mechanical



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