Effects of -radiation on a direct disposal system for spent nuclear fuel, 1 Review of research into the effects of -radiation on the spent nuclear fuel, canisters and outside canisters
使用済燃料の直接処分における線照射の影響,1; 使用済燃料,キャニスターおよびキャニスター外部における線影響の研究のレビュー
北村 暁 ; 高瀬 博康*
Kitamura, Akira; Takase, Hiroyasu*
Not only geological disposal of vitrified waste generated by spent fuel (SF) reprocessing, but also the possibility of disposing of SF itself in deep geological strata (hereinafter "direct disposal of SF") may be considered in the Japanese geological disposal program. In the case of direct disposal of SF, the radioactivity of the waste is higher and the potential effects of the radiation are greater. Specific examples of the possible effects of radiation include: increased amounts of canister corrosion; generation of oxidizing chemical species in conjunction with radiation degradation of groundwater and accompanying oxidation of reducing groundwater; and increase in the dissolution rate and the solubility of SF. Focusing especially on the effects of -radiation in safety assessment, this study has reviewed research into the effects of -radiation on the spent nuclear fuel, canisters and outside canisters.