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Calculations for the time-resolved dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect

乙部 智仁; 篠原 康*; 佐藤 駿丞*; 矢花 一浩; Bertsch, G. F.*

Otobe, Tomohito; Shinohara, Yasushi*; Sato, Shunsuke*; Yabana, Kazuhiro; Bertsch, G. F.*


We calculate the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect (DFKE), the ultrafast change of the dielectric function by an intense laser field, employing the time-dependent density functional theory. Our result show that the time for the peak of the change of the dielectric function dose not coincide with the peak of the electric field. This difference decreases as the laser intensity increases. To explore this effect analytically, we construct the new time-resolved formula for DFKE. This formula reproduces our numerical results qualitatively.



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