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Development of the radial dose distribution function relevant to the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy


森林 健悟

Moribayashi, Kengo

Radial dose has been employed in the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy in order to estimate the cell survival after the exposure to a heavy particle. The two models for radial dose distributions have been available. However, both of these models have very roughly treated the region near the trajectory of an incident heavy particle, although this region is very important to estimate RBE. The rapid progress of computers allow us to simulate the physical phenomena in detail and to obtain radial dose distributions closer to reality near the trajectory of an incident ion. We may succeed to the point that our model sufficiently reproduces the trend allowing us to select the better one between the two conventional models according to ion energies automatically. In future, we expect that further rapid progress of computers lead us to analyze them in more detail.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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